Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation aims to protect consumers and businesses from the misuse of digital technology, including spam and other electronic threats. It applies to those sending commercial electronic messages without the recipient’s consent, or installing malware, spyware and/or viruses on computers or networks without express consent. tbk can help ensure your business remains in CASL compliance.
Receive an audit on the areas of your business where you are collecting and sending out Commercial Electronic Messages (CEMs) with annotations of any contraventions along with recommendations for how to comply.
Receive consulting on how to properly comply with CASL while maximizing your marketing competitiveness given the framework.
In building new websites, microsites and other landing pages with tbk, we'll ensure they comply with CASL.
tbk is the group businesses come to when they simply cannot afford to fail. We share the same desire for greatness. We genuinely care more than others. And we refuse to settle for anything less.
Client Retention Rate
Websites and Platforms Built
Uptime for All Managed Websites
Years of Business
Winner of Top Web Design Provider in London, ON
International Web & Digital Marketing Awards
After three proud decades in business Old Oak looks towards a future of more luxury, eco-consciousness and accessibility within its products. Working with tbk on rebranding and repositioning the company has been nothing short of an extraordinary and worthwhile endeavour. I recommend businesses looking to modernize their brands and to market better go to tbk.